Micro biological Safety Cabinets, MSC Class II, model BDTWO – D, ducted installation.
Microbiological Safety Cabinet, MSC Class II, with a front aperture through which the operator can carry out manipulations inside the cabinet. It is constructed so that the worker is protected, the risk of product and cross contamination is low and the escape of airborne particulate contamination generated within the cabinet is controlled by means of an appropriate filtered internal airflow and filtration of the exhaust air.
Biological Safety Cabinets
For use for all biological applications, a proportion of the circulated air is exhausted to building ductwork via ULPA filters. This filtration traps infectious or dangerous bio-hazard particles which could otherwise be released to the environment.
BDTWO comes in two model types, either with tempered glass side walls (-G) or stainless steel sidewalls (-S).
Style –G
Glass side walls increase all round visibility.
Multi-piece removable work surface, easy for autoclaving.
Style -S
Interior formed from one piece of stainless steel with large radius corners making cleaning easy.
Single-piece removable work surface.