Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets (Vertical)
Bigneat’s VLF range of Laminar Flow Cabinet has been specifically designed to be affordable yet to provide particle-free, bacteria-free, clean air conditions to the work area at a quality standard usually only possible in more expensive cabinets. There is Lighting from a fluorescent white light included which aids the internal brightness and comfort for the operator.
VLF Laminar Flow Cabinets operate to comply with the guidelines of ISO 14644 – 1:1999 Class 5 (Fed. Standard 209E:1992 Class 100), to provide sterile working environment and air velocity at filter face of 0.45 ms-1.
For aseptic techniques and procedures requiring clean air – sample/process protection.
A cabinet may be positioned on an existing bench or can be supplied as a free standing system on a supporting static stand with adjustable height feet.
VLF Laminar Flow Cabinets are built to a very high standard using only the best quality materials and fan components. Experience has shown that VLF Laminar Flow Cabinets give consistent performance which is only dependent on replacement of the pre- and HEPA filters at recommended intervals.